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109028, Moscow,
2/8 Khitrovsky Pereulok, Building 5 (metro «Kitay-Gorod», «Kurskaya», «Chistiye Prudy»)
Time has always posed challenges for those who work in the media industry. Such a complex field has a great number of interrelated components – from social change to revolutionary advances in technology.
We suggest taking a look at social processes in a much broader way by studying journalism, media management, directing, editing, the stages of the creative process, and the production cycle of creating a media product – simply put, everything that can be called journalism, media, and communications.
Novikova A., Lerner J., Dolack T. et al.
United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024.
Vereshchagina N., Dushakova I.
Media and Communication. 2025. Vol. 13.
Novikova A., Lerner J.
In bk.: Russian Literature and Cognitive Science. United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024. Ch. 11. P. 211-230.
Lapina-Kratasyuk E., Oiva M.
Haastatteluaineisto Yves Montand Neuvostoliitossa, lähdemateriaali. http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020081502. The Language Bank of Finland, 2021
The first guest of the column was Ivan Knyazev, creative director of the Journalism programme and presenter of the "Moscow 24" TV channel. Maria Reznik, a 1st year Master's student of Transmedia Production in Digital Industries, and Ivan Kositsyn, a first year Media Communications student, have thought up a plan for the start programme, and proceeded to put it into practice by involving fellow students. Next week, the next parts of the project will be filmed, and the participants will be the Deputy Director of the Institute of Media at HSE, the Advisor of the Media Group "Rossiya Segodnya", Candidate of Philological Sciences Oleg Dmitriev, and Alexander Kupriyanov, Academic Director of the Media Communications Programme, Associate Professor of the Media Institute.
Implementing this creative task, students practice developing the concept of the interview and its implementation on camera, work with studio equipment in the media centre, prepare a script, and create different types of media products: video material, an interview text for electronic media, and expert material. And, most importantly, they receive advice and recommendations from professionals in the industry, can understand and immediately correct their mistakes, and train in various journalistic skills.
Translation: Polina Semenova, a first-year student of Master's programme "Contemporary Journalism"