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109028, Moscow,
2/8 Khitrovsky Pereulok, Building 5 (metro «Kitay-Gorod», «Kurskaya», «Chistiye Prudy»)

Eduard Viktorovich Bondarenko
First Deputy Director Eduard Viktorovich Bondarenko
Ekaterina Semenova
Deputy Director Ekaterina Semenova
Deputy Head Tatiana Tikhomirova
Deputy Head Oleg Dmitriev
Russian Literature and Cognitive Science

Novikova A., Lerner J., Dolack T. et al.

United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024.

Book chapter
Russian Cognitive Approaches for Studying Genres of Contemporary Electronic Communication: Interpreting “Sincere Conversations” in New Media

Novikova A., Lerner J.

In bk.: Russian Literature and Cognitive Science. United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024. Ch. 11. P. 211-230.

Working paper
Yves Montand in the USSR interviews, source

Lapina-Kratasyuk E., Oiva M.

Haastatteluaineisto Yves Montand Neuvostoliitossa, lähdemateriaali. http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020081502. The Language Bank of Finland, 2021

Summing up the results of the Media Institute's Winter School

In February, the annual Media Institute Winter School came to an end. Applicants could choose from four master's degree programs: "Media Management", "Transmedia Production in Digital Industries", "Critical Media Studies" and "Contemporary Journalism". On successful completion of the Winter School, participants receive a certificate and an additional five points in the portfolio competition for admission to the chosen profile.

Summing up the results of the Media Institute's Winter School

© Olga Zotova for the Media Institute

The Media Institute Winter School in numbers:

440 people have applied for the Winter Schools

370 – participated in the activities during the whole month

186 – people have chosen the "Media Management" programme

243 – people successfully defended their projects and received certificates.

The Winter School of Media Institute is a great opportunity to dive into the professional environment of modern journalism, transmedia projects, management and media research. It was held online this winter, bringing together undergraduate and graduate students, expanding the geography to more than 15 cities in Russia and the CIS countries (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Armenia), and setting a record for the number of participants.

Tatiana Magera

Tatiana Magera

deputy academic head of the Media Management educational programme 

"This year's Creative Winter School at the Media Institute was attended by a record number of applicants, more than 400 people. The leader among the master's programmes in terms of the number of participants was the "Media Management" educational programme with 186 people registering for the event. I would like to point out that the Winter School allows not only to learn more about the programme, its leaders, and lecturers and to get to know the students and the university in general, but also gives an admission advantage. Participants who successfully complete the school receive an additional five points in the portfolio competition".

The main objective of the Winter School is to allow the participants to be convinced of their decision on their chosen specialty or to rethink the trajectory of further studies in the Master's programme.

Adelina Absalamova
"Critical Media Studies" Winter School participant

«From the start, I had no idea there was such a master's programme, but the topic itself piqued my interest. "That's why I am very glad that I was able to join this school and get insights from experts!» 

Classes, meetings, and master classes are led by the heads and teachers of the Media Institute's master's educational programs, as well as representatives from the media industry's biggest players, such as Russia Today and the National Media Group, during the Winter School.Presenters and curators share their professional experience of working on applied or research projects, as well as real-life cases from the media industry.

Alexandra Vulf
"Contemporary Journalism" Winter School participant, track "International News Production"

"Everything was very informative, interesting, and accessible. You could immerse yourself in the profession and feel a part of it in just two days.It was very exciting!"

The participants, spread across the School's tracks, met like-minded people and, under the guidance of experienced media industry experts, prepared and successfully defended their individual or group projects.

Maria Muravyova
"Media Management" Winter School participant

"The assignment that we did as a team was exactly the concentration of what we will be doing on the Master's programme - only in a smaller format. It was a training program that included immersion in the learning process, which was aided by the teachers' lectures and a creative research assignment."

Zlata Minaeva
"Transmedia Production in Digital Industries" Winter School participant

"Teamwork and the creative research assignment were probably the best parts of the School for me. It was the development of my project that helped me make sure I wanted to get into creative production. Furthermore, the school was beneficial not only in terms of experience, but also for the portfolio - our team will submit and further develop a project for a competition".

Tatiana Zhukova
"Contemporary Journalism" Winter School participant, "Data Journalism" track

"I liked the feedback from the jury members. I took into account the recommendations for future data materials".

Alyona Ivanova
"Contemporary Journalism" Winter School participant, "Business Journalism" track

"It was interesting for me to listen to the lectures, do my assignments, and interact with the supervisors (who are also very good, always trying to help and advise). Special thanks to Mikhail Zelentsov for the materials, lectures, and interesting presentation—everything is clear and simple! After the Winter School, I am even more eager to begin my Master's degree at the Media Institute; I hope I will succeed!"

Author: Daria Kirillova, a first-year student of the Media Management programme

Translation: Polina Semenova, a first-year student of Master's programme "Contemporary Journalism"