Program of the Conference
Program of the Conference (PDF, 417 Kb)
October, 23
9:30-10:00 Opening ceremony
10:00-11:00 Keynote Session - Joe Karaganis "Reflections on the Piracy Years"
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:30 Plenary Session
Kim Shin Dong "The political economy of television piracy between China and South Korea"
Ece Vitrinel "Audio-visual Piracy Culture in Turkey: Self-reflection of an Industry"
Lucas Pereira Baumgartner "Safety or stability? Narratives on piracy and anonymity according to Tor network users in Brazil"
Anna Zaytseva "Music makers under sway of the digital revolution: between emancipatory opportunities and new forms of piracy"
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Keynote Session - Patrick Burkart "Cybercrimes and changing times: The coevolution of anti-piracy and anti-hacking regimes in law and policy"
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Plenary Session
Holger Briel "Sony and Co - How the fight over copyright went corporate"
Bella Ostromooukhova "Pirating books in contemporary Russia: between samizdat and opensource logics"
Nello Barille "Punk Capitalism with no enemies. The role of new pirates in a neototalitarian society"
Abigail De Kosnik, Benjamin De Kosnik "Beyond Wonder Woman and Black Panther: Piracy Metrics as Indicators of Global Audiences for Women- and Minority-Centered Media Content"
October, 24
10:00-11:00 Keynote Session - Goran Bolin "The Dynamics of Value in Data Capitalism: Datafication and the Extended Commodification of the Lifeworld"
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:30 Plenary Session
Fernanda Martinelli "The original and the fake meet around the corner: an ethnography of pirated goods consumption on the streets of Ipanema"
Mylonas Yiannis and Panos Kompatsiaris "Trolling as Transgression: Subversive Affirmation Against Neoliberal Austerity"
Julia Chernenko "Media Piracy vs Media Education: "
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Keynote Session - Tristan Mattelart "Piracy: Investigating the informal networks of transnational audiovisual flows"
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Plenary Session
Theo Röhle "Disrupting Distribution. Online publishing after Mirai"
Danai Tselenti "Blockchain(ed) in “computational parasitism”"
Lúcia Piedade "Are social technologies perceived as a threat in relation to the management of crisis situations?"
Ilya Kiriya "Media piracy as media studies approach: political economy framework"
October, 25
10:30-12:00 Sightseeing Tour “Pokrovka and Beyond”
12:00-12:30 Coffee Break
12:30-14:30 Plenary Session
Kseniia Nikulova "Russian Remix Culture in the Context of Media Piracy"
Karzanova Elena "Beyond media piracy: live events management and regulation in Russia and Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea"
Aliia Gazizianova "Music piracy on Russian (global) social media platforms: VKontakte and Telegram"
Maido Marjorie "Employing General Strain and Self-Control Theories in Explaining Filipino Seafarers’ Media Piracy Culture Onboard International Vessels"
14:30-15:30 Closing ceremony