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Regular version of the site

109028, Moscow,
2/8 Khitrovsky Pereulok, Building 5 (metro «Kitay-Gorod», «Kurskaya», «Chistiye Prudy»)

Eduard Viktorovich Bondarenko
First Deputy Director Eduard Viktorovich Bondarenko
Deputy Director Ivan Knyazev
Deputy Director Oleg Dmitriev
Russian Literature and Cognitive Science

Novikova A., Lerner J., Dolack T. et al.

United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024.

The reversed monomyth in a queer Russian web series

Prokhorov A.

Textual Practice. 2025. Vol. 39. No. 2. P. 145-161.

Book chapter
Image Communications of Universities: Current Technologies
In press

Evgeniya A. Kuznetsova, Yulia N. Zemskaya, Осмоловская (Глаголева) А. В.

In bk.: University 4 and Educational Technology for Sustainable Development - Best Practices and Perspectives in Russia and Central Asia. Springer, 2025.

Working paper
Yves Montand in the USSR interviews, source

Lapina-Kratasyuk E., Oiva M.

Haastatteluaineisto Yves Montand Neuvostoliitossa, lähdemateriaali. http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020081502. The Language Bank of Finland, 2021

Media meetings as a part of the conference

Media department of the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design in cooperation with the Center for Digital Cultures and Media Literacy of the NRU HSE organize the International Scientific-practical Conference “Media Education, Media Ecology, Media Literacy: Digital Media for the Future”.

We invite you to attend the public lectures that will take place as a part of the conference.

1. Carlos Scolari, professor, Universitat Pompeo Fabra, Barcelona

“Media ecology and transmedia literacy”

February,8 15:10-16:30 Room 405

2. Andrey Richter, professor, senior advisor of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

“How do propaganda and freedom of media information correlate to one another? Does freedom of speech include the right to lie?”

February,8 16:40-18:00 Room 405

3. Juan Barata, professor, Stanford Center for Internet and Society

“The main copyright law regulations in EU”

 February,8 18:00-19:30 Room 405

Please email eskarzanova@edu.hse.ru before 12:00 February,8 to register.