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109028, Moscow,
2/8 Khitrovsky Pereulok, Building 5 (metro «Kitay-Gorod», «Kurskaya», «Chistiye Prudy»)
Time has always posed challenges for those who work in the media industry. Such a complex field has a great number of interrelated components – from social change to revolutionary advances in technology.
We suggest taking a look at social processes in a much broader way by studying journalism, media management, directing, editing, the stages of the creative process, and the production cycle of creating a media product – simply put, everything that can be called journalism, media, and communications.
Novikova A., Lerner J., Dolack T. et al.
United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024.
Anales de la Universidad de Cuenca. 2024. No. 63. P. 75-88.
Novikova A., Lerner J.
In bk.: Russian Literature and Cognitive Science. United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024. Ch. 11. P. 211-230.
Lapina-Kratasyuk E., Oiva M.
Haastatteluaineisto Yves Montand Neuvostoliitossa, lähdemateriaali. http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020081502. The Language Bank of Finland, 2021
I spent 5 years working and then I decided to pursue a master's degree. Working was good, and I also learned a lot, but it had a lot of stress and another sense of responsibility. I wanted to fall in love with journalism again, so, as with all postgraduate degrees, you go deeply into one topic, not like a bachelor's, where it is more broad. This time, it is even more specific. For me, taking the master's in International News Production at HSE, was a game-changer in my life. I gained new skills according to the new technologies (the world does not stop), new paradigms, and also new experiences from my teachers, who have extremely valuable knowledge. Again, I started to get excited about new topics inside this specific area, like AI in Journalism, data management, geopolitics, historic processes, and the work of a journalist in different editorial environments. Studying opens your mind when you are stuck. Nothing can compare to the shot of energy of having new skills and knowledge in the field that you love. Also, the people you meet along the way are people who are going to be in your life forever, and in the near future, they could be your new "partners in crime" for every new project.
Opening your mind to continue studying just gives you advantages. All the new things you learn stay in your mind forever, and obviously, it makes you a more valuable player in the job market.
Juan Pablo Flor Alconz, Student 2nd Year of Master in Contemporary Journalism, in trek International News Production.
I chose Russia to study for a master's degree because I love Russian culture and I read about it a lot, and my country, Syria, has a long history of strong relations with Russia, so the impact of relations on Syrians was strong in terms of culture, which I like that it is a culture similar to ours in Syria. When I wanted to study media, I searched the internet for the most important universities in Russia, and I found the Higher School of Economics, and when I delved deeper into the site, I found that the university is very important in several ways, the most important of which is that the education in it is well-developed. I chose the specialty of media management because this specialty does not exist in my country Syria, so I decided to learn something new through which I can develop and build my country and present the new sweat to Syria that I gained from Russia. I consider the Higher School of economics to be one of the most important universities in the world, and not only in Russia. And I actually learned a lot of things, especially related to new media, social media and artificial intelligence.
Nagham Ali, Media management Master