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Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes
Bachelor’s programme

Drama and Film Acting

4 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Bachelor’s programme

Global Digital Communications

4 years
Full-time programme
Online programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Bachelor’s programme


4 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Bachelor’s programme


4 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Bachelor’s programme

Film and Television Production

4 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Bachelor’s programme

Media Communications

4 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Bachelor’s programme


4 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Bachelor’s programme

Advertising and Public Relations

4 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Bachelor’s programme

Strategy and Production in Communications

4 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Bachelor’s programme

Management in Creative Industries

4 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Master’s programme


2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian
Master’s programme

Environment Design

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian
Master’s programme

Data Journalism

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Master’s programme

Integrated Communications

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Master’s programme

Interactive Media and Digital Industries

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Master’s programme

Interactive Design

2 years
Full-time programme
Online programme
Instruction in Russian
Master’s programme

Film Production

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Master’s programme

Communications in the Public Sector and NGOs

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian
Master’s programme

Communication and Digital Design

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Master’s programme

Media Management

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Master’s programme


2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian
Master’s programme

Curatorial Practices in Contemporary Art

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian
Master’s programme

International News Production

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in English
Master’s programme

Contemporary Journalism

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian with some courses in English
Master’s programme

Contemporary Media Research

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in English
Master’s programme

Management in Creative Industries

2 years
Full-time programme
Online programme
Instruction in Russian
Master’s programme

Strategic Communications Management

2 years
Full-time programme
Online programme
Instruction in Russian
Master’s programme

Digital Communications and Product Analytics

2 years
Full-time programme
Instruction in Russian
Russian Literature and Cognitive Science

Novikova A., Lerner J., Dolack T. et al.

United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024.

Between Alchemy and Science Art: Let's Give Voice to Things

Milovidov S.

Anales de la Universidad de Cuenca. 2024. No. 63. P. 75-88.

Book chapter
Russian Cognitive Approaches for Studying Genres of Contemporary Electronic Communication: Interpreting “Sincere Conversations” in New Media

Novikova A., Lerner J.

In bk.: Russian Literature and Cognitive Science. United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024. Ch. 11. P. 211-230.

Working paper

Арман О., Eremenko J. A., Zinchenko O. et al.

Zinchenko, O., Onurcan, A., Eremenko, Y., & Shestakova, A. (2024, November 21). CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF PERCEIVED TASTES ASSOCIATED TO SOUNDS ON THE PERCEPTION OF FOOD TEXTURES. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/n37tw. Zinchenko, O., Onurcan, A., Eremenko, Y., & Shestakova, A. (2024, November 21). CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF PERCEIVED TASTES ASSOCIATED TO SOUNDS ON THE PERCEPTION OF FOOD TEXTURES. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/n37tw. PsyArXiv, 2024

2017 new Master's programs

HSE offers the list of new masters’ opportunities that are going to be introduced this summer

The list:

1.   Transmedia production in digital industries

2.   Joint program of HSE and Pedagogical Center

3.   Smart-marketing: data, analytics, insides

4.   Management and marketing in fashion industry

5.   Retail management


1. Transmedia production in digital industries

Master’s program “Transmedia production in digital industries” trains creative digital producers. It develops students’ creative, technological and management skills, which are necessary to run media projects in digital sphere. As a result graduates would be able not only to promote mobile apps, multimedia books, videogames, online-courses and web-series, but also to manage complicated transmedia projects, that include many platforms and working with opportunities of contemporary storytelling.

The 1st competence block – creative
Undergraduates would study to create plots understand design formats. They will also study transmedia storytelling principles and search for different ways of media formats interaction in one complicated project.


The 2d competence block - management
Transmedia production and promotion is complicated. There is not only one main project, but at the same time an amount of subsidiaries projects in it. Each with a new production command. To work correctly such systems need to have a top manager with  “spherical thinking” to unite all that complex. He must understand, how the complex is developing and give to all the commands strategic purposes.


The 3d competence block – technological
Traditional skills of video making are as important as digital design skills. That’s why one of basic courses would be about communications design. Our undergraduates should understand what means a “good design” and what is not. It will be useful the time they’ll be giving a technical task to a professional designer in future, because they will understand principles of the work.

Another purpose is studying to communicate with programmers. Students would be taught to speak with programmers so that everybody would understand each other. The problem is that programmers think in a different way from humanists.


Full-time 2 years education

25 budget places / 15 paid places / 5 for foreigners

Studies on Russian language


2. Joint program of HSE and Pedagogical Center

This program is founded to train highly skilled mathematics teachers.

The program is based on integration of the math HSE faculty high science potential, the HSE Education Institute experience in innovation activity and Pedagogical Center practical experience in school education. This will give an opportunity to math specialists to complement their science background to teach at schools. The course is also useful for math teachers who want to upper their math knowledge and working with “gifted” children skills.

About the program

Students of “Joint magistracy of HSE-Pedagogical Center” will deepen their knowledge in mathematics on the lectures with students from other math faculty programs. But also they will get pedagogical skills, skills of educative management, psychology knowledge and other information about practical work with scholars.

Like in each HSE magister programs students should choose an all-university course on another HSE faculty to broaden overall knowledge.

Half of all work is planned to be practical, independent educational-methodical and research-oriented – the other half will be academic.


Full-time 2 years education

20 budget places

Studies on Russian language


3. Smart-marketing: data, analytics, insides

The program trains new marketing analysts generation, that’ll be able to create, substantiate and realize data-driven marketing decisions to upper the business efficiently. Key principle is orientation on learning-by-doing methodic. The program is based on the most contemporary approaches to marketing analytics and correlations with partner companies – pilot sites to develop testing marketing cases.

 Competences needed to enter the program: fluent English language, mathematics knowledge. Competence assessment is going to be checked by enrollee portfolio. Student competences at he exit will be shown in project portfolio and include:

-      An ability to choose and realize marketing concepts;

-      Experience of working with statistics and econometric instruments to analyze data to develop and substantiate marketing cases
-      An ability to represent research and analytics results сonvincingly and visually


Full-time 2 years education

20 budget places / 5 paid places / 3 paid places for foreigners

Studies on Russian language


4. Management and marketing in fashion industry

The program trains specialists in mostly popular contemporary fashion industry  direction – fashion business managing. The education process in based on effective balance of theoretical and practical knowledge. Students would get information about contemporary managing methods, marketing features and the analysis of the best cases. There would be a lot of master-classes from main industry specialists. Graduates of the program are in demand in Russian and foreign offline, online and multichannel companies in fashion industry: from mass-market segment to luxury.

Fields of studies:

-      Strategic management and finance management, including price formation strategies and fashion companies risk managing;

-      Marketing in fashion industry; marketing strategies features in different market segments: from budgetary to premium;

-      Wholesale and retail selling features, own retail and franchise, traditional retail and multimedia  sales;

-      Contemporary strategies of working with clients, effective management of loyalty programs in retail fashion companies;

-      Staff management in fashion companies, including creative collectives management.


Full-time 2 years education

20 paid places / 5 paid places for foreigners

Studies on Russian language


5. Retail management

The program trains specialists in sales management and end-user service (retail, mobile retail, bank and insurance retail, FGCG-selling). Students get skills for working in digital world and develop cultural competences, needed for retail which is an impression economical sphere. The partners of the program are large companies (Ashan, Lerua Merlen, Lamoda, Yandex, Nielsen, X5 retail group, etc.).  Graduates are in demand by leading international companies. They can get top-specialist position in marketing, operation management, logistics, finances, staff management.

Fields of studies:

-      Creation and realization company strategies

-      Retail business-processes projection

-      Interactive strategies formation and companies communication management

-      Searching and assessment of new market opportunities, business-models and business-plans development, development strategies in retail sphere

-      Marketing programs development in case of today’s consumer behavior changes

-      Consumer ecosystem projecting

-      Managing cases complex development, to form commercial and financial business efficiency

-      Efficiency management in retail business


Full-time 2 years education

20 paid places / 5 paid places for foreigners

Studies on Russian language