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Время постоянно бросает вызов тем, кто работает в медиаиндустрии. В такой комплексной сфере слишком много взаимосвязанных элементов — от общественных перемен до революционных изменений в технологиях.
Мы предлагаем взглянуть на социальные процессы гораздо шире. Это обучение журналистике, менеджменту СМИ, анализу big data, основам режиссуры, этапам творческого процесса и производственному циклу создания медиапродукта, словом, всему тому, что называется «журналистика», «медиа» и «коммуникации».
Winter School of the Media Institute - 2025. «Contemporary Media Research» Track
On February 1, 2025, the Winter School for future masters of Contemporary Media Research will take place online.
Successful completion of the Winter School will not add points to the portfolio at the admission. Registration is open until January 26, 2025.
Ольга Зотова для Института медиа
The Contemporary Media Research Online Winter School will take place on Saturday, February, 1.
It will explore the main topics and approaches associated with this masters’ programme. Here are the top three aspects to be discussed:
- critical cultural research;
- text analysis;
- political economy of the media.
The Winter School will also give a glimpse into the interdisciplinary and polythematic field of critical media studies and provide students with the necessary tools to analyze and question contemporary media realities. The program's core professors will present their current research so as to familiarize prospective applicants with the intellectual environment around the program. The School will include a student panel showcasing some of the work that has been done in the previous years in the program. Please be critical! Join us! The Winter School is open to senior bachelors and speciality students as well as other university graduates.
Daria Sheinina
2nd year student of the "Contemporary Media Research" programme
After the Winter School I definitely decided that I wanted to apply to Critical Media Studies at HSE. Before I had some doubts and thoughts about looking at different options, but when I took part in this event, everything fell into place! It was very interesting!