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109028, Moscow,
2/8 Khitrovsky Pereulok, Building 5 (metro «Kitay-Gorod», «Kurskaya», «Chistiye Prudy»)

Eduard Viktorovich Bondarenko
First Deputy Director Eduard Viktorovich Bondarenko
Ekaterina Semenova
Deputy Director Ekaterina Semenova
Deputy Head Tatiana Tikhomirova
Deputy Head Oleg Dmitriev
Russian Literature and Cognitive Science

Novikova A., Lerner J., Dolack T. et al.

United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024.

Book chapter
Russian Cognitive Approaches for Studying Genres of Contemporary Electronic Communication: Interpreting “Sincere Conversations” in New Media

Novikova A., Lerner J.

In bk.: Russian Literature and Cognitive Science. United States of America: Lexington Books, 2024. Ch. 11. P. 211-230.

Working paper
Yves Montand in the USSR interviews, source

Lapina-Kratasyuk E., Oiva M.

Haastatteluaineisto Yves Montand Neuvostoliitossa, lähdemateriaali. http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2020081502. The Language Bank of Finland, 2021


David Kaye’s Open Lecture Fake News: International Human Rights Law Framework

Dear students and colleagues,We invite you to the lecture of David Kaye, Professor of Law at the University of California, Irvine, and UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, held on 27 April at 19:00 at the School of Communications, Media and Design, HSE (Moscow). At the lecture, “fake news” will be considered in the context of the international human rights law.

Useful Tips for International Students from HSE Faculty

HSE News Service has asked some of our teachers at HSE for any advice they might have for international students in Moscow. Arkaja Chakraverty and Renira Rampazzo Gambarato agreed to share their secrets. Ms Chakraverty, from India, is Assistant Professor at the International College of Economics and Finance and moved to Moscow in 2017. Dr Bambarato, from Brazil, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Media, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design and has been working at HSE since 2013.

HSE Students Turn Books and Museums into Transmedia Stories

For two years in a row, students in the Master’s programme in Transmedia Production in Digital Industries have worked closely with publishing and museum experts, as well as lecturers from the HSE School of Media to reinvent the role of printed books and the traditional tasks of Russian museums. Some of their book projects were presented at the Non-fiction exhibition this year, and the museum projects will be implemented for the public.

Time to Nominate: 9th HSE Alumni Awards

Time to Nominate: 9th HSE Alumni Awards
The 2017 HSE Alumni Awards will shortly be open for nominations. The awards were founded in 2007 to recognise HSE graduates who have achieved professional success in the corporate sphere or their own businesses. Over the years, the winners have included Maxim Oreshkin, Russian Minister of Economic Development, Ilya Azar and Tonia Samsonova, journalists, Ksenia Mokrushina, Director of the Centre of Urban Studies at Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, and Vladimir Potapov, CEO at VTB Capital, among others.

International Perspective

On June 4, 2017, HSE is holding ‘The Whole World at HSE’ festival, dedicated to the cultures of different peoples. It’s a great opportunity for many international students to share information about their country’s culture and explain how Russian culture might be perceived by people with a different mentality. HSE international students and faculty have shared their views on both their and our respective cultures.

HSE Staff Members Awarded Russian Federation Government Media Prize

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev gives the Russian Government Media Prize to Mikhail Berger
Mikhail Berger, Professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design, and Sergey Karaganov, Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs have been awarded the Russian Federation Government Media Prize.

HSE Students Presented Digital Books at non/fictio№18

HSE Students Presented Digital Books at non/fictio№18
On November 30, 2016, the ‘Digital Publishing’ course was presented at the book fair non/fictio№18.
Students of the ‘Media production in Creative Industries’ MA programme who have just published several digital collections, spoke about how to produce a book in two months. The lecturers shared their opinion on the challenges and difficulties of the course, and the writers and publicists – on their experience of participating in the project.

HSE Students in International Student Talk Show on US Elections

On November 4th, 2016, students from many countries took part in an online broadcast to discuss the final stage of the US presidential campaign 2016. The event was organized by the Global Campus Network at Ryerson University, Toronto. Two students from HSE's Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design delivered their report from the HSE Media Centre.

HSE Journalism Student Presents Study at Oxford Conference

This summer, Milena Rubleva, a fourth-year student of Journalism at HSE, presented a visualization of her study at the Connected Life 2016: Collective Action and the Internet Conference. She told the HSE News Service about the conference that was hosted by PhD students at the Oxford Internet Institute, which is part of the University of Oxford.

Fulbright Summer School on Public Scholarship to Take Place in Moscow

The HSE Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, together with MSU Department of Discourse and Communication Studies are organizing the 19th Fulbright International Summer School in the Humanities, which will take place from June 27 – July 1, 2016, in Moscow. We discussed the highlights of this summer school with Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk, associate professor at the HSE School of Media and one of the Summer School organizers.